Gloria Harrison
Posted on Sun Aug 14 2022
Updated on : Fri Aug 19 2022
JavaScript if shorthand without the else
At one point in your career, you'll find yourself using the ternary operator in JavaScript a lot.
It's a fancy word for the if...else shorthand version.
Let's recheck the example.
// Full if elselet result = '';if (our_value) { result = 'we got a value';} else { result = 'no value';}// Ternaryresult = our_value ? 'we got a value' : 'no value';
So that's already a set working example.
If without the else
However, sometimes we might want to execute or set something if a specific condition is met.
Let's look at the following example.
if (our_value) { alert('I have the value');}
This piece of code should alert the user if the our_value
condition is truthy.
There is no else involved.
We could write it like this:
our_value ? alert('I have the value') : null;
However, we don't need the null
value as it doesn't do anything, so we can switch to using the &&
our_value && alert('I have the value');
Way cleaner, we tell the script if we do have this truthy value, we should alert the user.
Nullish default value
In some cases, you might have a function that returns some value, but you might want to return a default value if the object is nullish.
const name = null;const user = { username: name ? name : 'John Doe',};console.log(user);// { username: 'John Doe' }
That example works perfectly fine. However, it's a bit duplicated again. We can leverage the ??
operator to set a default return value.
This ??
operator is called a logical nullish operator.
const user = { username: name ?? 'John Doe',};
This will either return the value of name
, and if that doesn't exist, it will return John Doe
Note: Be careful when the value can be
as it will return false in that case.